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digestive changes

by Stephen A.
(New York)

For the past few months, I have been experiencing many changes. I began waking up in the middle of the night feel nauseous. I have had this great fear of vomiting since I was a child. This sensation would come and go and then it got much worse. I also lost weight about 10 pounds. I have been very conscious of my health and what foods I ate for many years. Suddenly my body is now becoming allergic to certain healthy foods. Spiritually, I have been deepening, moving into a deeper awareness of my behaviors, the consequences of my actions, opening up more to love, forgiveness and into the surrender process. I have been cleansing for Candida and parasites which seems to help, but it feels like much more is going on.
My holistic practitioners feel I am not in any danger and my "Regular Doctor" can't find anything, except to think I ay have an ulcer.
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