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disconnection, mood swings ect...

I feel disconnected to everything. My family, my friends, everything around me and even God. Two years ago I woke up from my ego sleep and I've been close to God since then, I've been guided and it's like I've been in constantly love for two years, my worries were gone and I could live in the moment with God. Just until now. Out of the blue, it started feeling like my ego was coming back and I feel angry and I'm spaced out, I can't seem to focus any more or connect and I'm screaming inside of me for guidence. Somehow I feel that someone guide me and that everything is how it should be, I just feel so lonely and confused.

Other things I experience is digesting problems, pains, breathing problems, intense dreams, exhaustion..

Comments for disconnection, mood swings ect...

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Nov 04, 2013
disconnection, mood swings, etc.
by: Cecilia

I too have been experiencing many of the same symptoms. I began dieting but not because I wanted to, so about 5 days of that was dreadful. All I had were my convictions, Faith and Strength in my Guides. I managed to sleep a little more and realize now that I have to stay on this change and let go of yesterdays habits - which include old thinking patterns. That is all I know -- Use your Faith-which means 'walk on water' (to me) :) .

Nov 03, 2013
Mood swings
by: Nats

I hope your keeping up with the faith in god he is the only way out of all this and believe that you will be out of it, always pray and ask for him to work in you and to make you a better person inside, he hears your silent prayers as well :)

Aug 14, 2012
thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you, for helping me keep my hope!

Aug 05, 2012
by: Anonymous

Sometimes, the mind asserts its dominance and crowds out the underlying truth of wholeness, of being led, and even of God's love. It is a precious and blessed opening of surrender that we can follow. To allow ourselves to trust and be supported in a life of surrender.

I am familiar with the illusion, and pray to strengthen in my love and faith.

Aug 04, 2012
Feeling The Same - Depressed/Exhausted
by: Barbara

It's been more than two years for me since I woke up, probably closer to four...and I felt like I was always rising higher on the spiritual it's like I am flatline and I am having to face this earth life..working at a job I hate...friends who I thought were like-minded, just merely love life...and I feel somewhat disallusioned by life...I don't know I think it's the place perhaps where you stop and God asks you what you truly want from this life...and I want love...true love, but it has always escaped me...where to go from here...I read too many spiritual books, explored every spiritual avenue...I guess I'll know when I know

Aug 04, 2012
disconnection, etal..
by: Anonymous

I flew as 'Icarus'in the protection of His All Mighty Wings -- until the sun melted the wax of my wings and I plummeted to Earth. We are wrapped abundantly in the Wholeness of LOVE -- until 'that' day, when we land and are faced with the reality in which we walk.

New 'laws' enter, Surrendering to the ONLY power able to host you, to hold you tenderly and in safety -- providing the light which guides you through the dark tunnel, one step at a time. Now, you perhaps, will now learn true Patience, Trusting in the 'Lord" with ALL your heart, leaning not on your own understanding--permitting 'HIM' to direct all your pathes...

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