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energy sensitivity

by shannon
(orlando, FL, US)

I have been trying to find an answer to my condition for my entire life. For as far back as I can remember I have had an extreme sensitivity to all types of energy. Sounds are the most moving. I am so sensitive to energy around me that it used to be hard for me to be in a room with a number of people. Their energy would overwhelm me and I would feel faint, dizzy, and confused.
Other symptoms that I have had include body tremors that I cannot control. I will shake in high energy situations (in public or private) and I have anxious tendencies such as constantly moving and thinking abnormal creative thoughts that never stop.
The only experience I have had with healing is bringing my cat out of a terminal illness by meditating and transferring my energy into him. I do not know enough about my talents and am trying to figure out as much as I can so I can use this high energy sensitivity in the most positive way possible for myself and others.
I want to know what other people think of these reactions that I have and their explanation as to why it is happening or what I can do about it.
Thank you for your advice. If there is anywhere else that someone could direct me to for information it would be very helpful.

Comments for energy sensitivity

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Sensitive to Energy
by: Helena

This can be a blessing and a curse! I am an Intuitive Reader/Healer. Have you taken any classes to protect your energy field? You can put white light around you before leaving your home in the morning, or if white light isn't enough, imagine armor! or a big bubble where other people's energy bounces off like raindrops. I have a mantra where I say:"Dearest God, please take away any energy that is NOT mine, send it back to where it came from, please bring back MY energy to me from any person, place or thing, pure and cleansed, so I can be whole and complete". Then I add "Archangel Michael, please sever any cords attached to my being, inside AND out, send them back to where they came from and please fill and seal any holes in my energy field with white, healing protective light". Do this EVERY DAY.

Thank you
by: Anonymous

I have read a book that suggests the same thing. Just use my own energy to protect myself from strong intruding forces that are overwhelming me. I'll try this every day and update if things start to feel better. Thanks again.

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