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feels like a cold breeze on my neck

by dave
(uk )

Hi i am new to this so please excuse me if i done this wrong but i am courious to see if any one else has or had the same expericence as me or could tell me what it could be.

It all start when sadly my grandad died when i was 6 years old we was very close some say we was inseperable ever since the night of his passing i get like the onlbry way i can describe it is a faint cold faint cold breeze "breathing" on my neck it is relaxing but scary at the same time i done a lot of things to be bunk it eg closed my windows at night covered air vents etc etc but it still happens is it a sign that my grandad is watching me sleep at night? If you could possibly reply with some answer or expericence of your own i would be greatful knowing i aint going crazy

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