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New feelings

by Melissa
(Portland, Oregon)

I have developed sensitivities to energies from the people I see on a daily bases, and now I feel energies from strangers at a higher level more than before. I noticed this started happening when I changed my thought process. In the past I was always hateful and negative, angry at others and I held high expectations of people.With help from a mentor at work,I started to become more optimistic and positive about life, and it took a long time to reap it's benefits, but now I see. It's amazing what the human mind can do. But my sensitivities to these energies are strong, it's almost scary. Thank you for reading.

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Dec 10, 2010
That's just the beginning
by: Jimmy

I feel energies too. Your experience is just the beginning of something wonderful for you. Keep releasing those negative energies and you will experience joy beyond your current comprehension. All of your worries and fears will fall away, and you will experience a state of unshakable serenity. You may also start to have mystical experiences such as feeling the presence of God or getting clear messages in dreams. Your priorities and interests may change as well. That's where I am right now. It's very exciting.

Congratulations. It sounds like you are on the right path.


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