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Peaceful sensations

About a year ago I was deceived by a man that I fell very much in love with. He revealed he had another life after many months of us dating. The shock of the truth left me feeling victimized in a way. I went to a spiritual healer and asked for help. She told me to pray twice a day and that things would work out as God has his plan for me. It took me a year and a half to end the turmoil I was going through. Sometimes when I would sleep at night, I felt as if a presence was in my room with me, watching over me. I never felt this before, but it was peaceful and comforting to me. I felt the same sensation after a verbal altercation with this man over the phone. His words were cruel and upset me very badly. At sundown, the same peaceful sensation occured again. The feeling was euphoric, peaceful and serene. Every since these experiences, my faith in the Lord has been restored, and I let him hear the things I need.

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