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Light Body Experiences of Sue

by Sue H
(Omaha Nebraska)

It started by someone waking me up, it wasn't what was said so much as an actual shift in my thinking. I noticed the numbers first. 11:11 and others. I was waking up at the exact same time during the night (4:30). Sleep pattern changes. At first needing hardly any sleep then needing alot of sleep. I became very ungrounded, I felt like life was very unreal. Disorientation, I felt like I was always high. Dizziness was a big problem for awhile that is getting a lot better. I have been meditatng and that has helped the grounding. I have become knowledgable about others feelings emotions and motives.. I feel almost unbearably uncomfortable around some people. I have a sense of urgency to learn all I can about lightworking. I had a Reiki healing and was off all medicines for about 4 months then all of a sudden I was having symptoms of old illnesses again. I feel a shift in consciousness around me. I feel vibrations in my body and in the Earth. I was led to quit eating meat by just what my own body told me. I have cravings for salt. I don't like foods that I loved before. There is so much more but these are some of the things. Sue

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Dec 30, 2009
Seeing Numbers
by: Elle

The beginning of my experience sounds like yours. Around June 2001 I started seeing 9:11 before the terrorist attacks happened in September. Then in October 2007 I kept seeing 11:11 all the time which prompted me to do research on it. There wasn't too much on the internet about 11:11 at that time, but there is ALOT more now! I only had one conscious OBE and a week later I saw a lightbeing standing next to my bed which lit up my entire room. Then the other number sequences started to happen, I was guided to get a Reiki attunement, Kundalini symptoms started, 3rd eye was activated, I started having lots of lucid dreams and then all of the yucky symptoms and pain started. I went through about 2 years of severe symptoms and emotional clearing which are lessening now. Just severe migraines like someones ripping my eyes out with a spoon, sinus pressure, breaking out on my face and weight gain issues are left (out of the uncomfortable symptoms anyway...). Now it's visions and geometrical shapes, seeing white and blue lights everywhere, shadows in the corner of my eye, "work" being done on me at night, hearing voices, and seeing overlay of other dimensions (all day now). I'd be curious to see if you go through the same stages in the same time frame as I did.

I've heard that it will get easier...WHEN that is supposed to happen, I have no clue...I'm still waiting... :0(

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