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Light Body Experiences - Support And Discussion

Many of us are having new light body experiences especially in recent times. In years past this area of our site provided a place where people shared new light body experiences and learned about what other people are going through.

Now in 2023 we are exploring some new platforms for sharing, which I will post when they are available.  In the meantime, I invite you to read what our other visitors have share about their light body experiences.

Light Body Experiences Other Visitors Have Shared

Click below to see light body experiences from other visitors to this page. If you'd like to comment on what others have shared, please read our discussion forum guidelines. Thank you!

I fell in love with my light body 
Hi! there ! has anyone ever felt this ?? As I was meditating and cleansing myself , I started feeling light vibrating from me and out from me …

Intense Energy at the Top of My Head 
For the past 4 months or so I have been receiving intense energy (or something) at the top of my head.(My head and ears are very sensitive to energy). …

symtoms- illness 
I have been ill for months, throat pain, choking sensation , tightens, trouble breathing, extreme tiredness - all been checked out by medical professions, …

Universal tones 
It has been the experience of this ONE that when the tones in the Universe are transforming, We sit in meditation and simply Listen to the atonement …

energy feeling on the left side of my head 
It started 2 nights ago. .I was watching tv right before bed and I had a energy feeling on the left side of my head...well it seem to last for a few seconds …

hello, im Pooja... since last year im feeling numbness in my hands then it was all gone with medicine and nothing was found with doctors. now it all …

blue light 
I took about 6 photos and only one came up with a blue light above my head can anyone please explain as to why it is there and if it is an arch angel or …

burning desire to be pure 
I'm smiling from ear to ear...and I'm so happy and exited at the same time..I landed on this page by "coincidence". which I don't believe in..its an …

I felt someone kissing me on my mouth, but no one was there. I also heard voices coming from my abdomen area. They were male voices. One said "Go ahead …

To everyone on here you might want to read this 
Hello everyone my name is Nikki,I just discovered this site last night and love reading everyones storys. I did share my own story last night. I would …

Has anyone else experienced this? 
Hello, my name is Rachel. I am currently 21 years of age and living nearby New Orleans, Louisiana. It all started around Christmas 2013, one day I suddenly …

Unity of Cosmic Transformations 
During the transformational process of high solar flare activity, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and the intensified frequency shift of the planet Earth, …

solar flares intensify and transform our dna 
From October 23, 2014, to October 27, 2014, according to NASA and other scientific organizations, the Sun has erupted with 27 C-class flares (the weakest …

New Self, True Self: Alaya Light 
Hi, my name is Alaya Light, and I'm very excited to discover and explore this website and its contents. Thank you to those who have contributed and who …

feels like a cold breeze on my neck 
Hi i am new to this so please excuse me if i done this wrong but i am courious to see if any one else has or had the same expericence as me or could tell …

My Awakening and My Sychronicity 
When I had my first Awakening in 2011, I felt as if I was connected to everyone and everything. I felt a surge of energetic light through out my entire …

spirits touching me in the day and night 
Hello to Everyone! Excuse my writing, grammar, etc. My name is Paul and i have a similar story. All i tell you is very true, im sorry to be in this …

literally everyone can hear my thoughts 
everyone can hear my thoughts. it started with my mom over a year ago, and it has progressed to literally everyone that i meet. it's really embarrassing, …

bodily heat can indicate a rise in "life force" and cellular cleansing 
Most people think that when people experience excessive heat in the body, especially if they are in their middle years, that this is indicative of …

new found abilities 
I've always thought I was semi psychic .I would have premonitions .and just to many weird things would happen .that I couldn't chalk up as coincidence …

body experiences that fluctuates daily 
I have been having sudden changes in food sensitivity. craving protein one day the next drinking v-8 juice. eating less drinking more. my body was cold …

Help for Light Body symptoms from flowers 
I have employed BACH FLOWERS for many years to heal various physical and emotional symptoms of this profound time of transformation. Dr. Edward …

Someone Reaching Out... 
Ever since having colon cancer, which I'm now cancer free, I've been feeling someone massaging my feet. It's been happening almost everyday and it wakes …

Blue electrical type outline of my body. 
Having a blue or violet electrical type light following the outline of my body movements and now outline objects i look at. God Bless

Free your own life 
Everyone has problems. When we can't face our own we need to realise responsibily is ours. Pity is often used to manipulate do not be fooled. Love …

Thank you Blessed Mother of God for healing my loving husband, father, & Son 
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 renal cell carcinoma September 2012. Medical Doctors gave not much hope. I searched and prayed for guidance. At my …

Seeking help with Light Body experiences 
When a child had a dream that can true 15 yrs. later. can see shadows of people in rooms. can communicate with people withouspeaking. can see in a room …

The experience of love is important to connect to this feeling helps us to be at one with our soul. Without intellectualizing and without knowledge, forget …

I know when something bad is going to happen 
I know when something bad is going to happen but i don't know who. How can i learn who it's going to happen to. With some people i can tell them what …

meditate on love 
A meditation I find good is to find the sufferance it may be a a little egotistical war within you, visualize the word love in a white brilliance. Listen …

Love for your life is about letting go the system has set up a place to suffer this can be stopped live life love now. People laying guilt trips through …

Right before my lightbody was activated, I felt so alone - so different in the world around me. My sensitivity is through the rough and having to go to …

Heaven the hereafter and and loving memory 
I believe the experience of the afterlife is experienced in the memories and hearts of the living when we pass. We live on in the love felt for us when …

spiritual awakening 
I believe I am going through my awakening. I am expiriencing numbness in my head, and let side of my body, which put me in to a panic attack and I was …

Smiley Face - images while meditating 
About a year ago I was going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, it was pitch black when suddenly I saw a small blue flash of light by my feet …

Human conscious 
I've been tuning into mental energies for years our thoughts I believe are mental energy our minds are part of the conscious I think it is like a frequency …

Recommended vibrational music 
I have found the vibrational tracks from source vibrations - their website, or iTunes- to be very helpful. I listen to 528 Hz "Miracle" almost daily, …

breathe through your navel 
Can someone can breathe through your navel. If you can what does it mean

blue light 
what is the meanning of seeing a blue eye in your forehead

my disconnection from my body 
I desparately trying to get out of this disconnection,but i dont know how i became like this in the first place. We are lost in our own world. I also …

Intense Static feeling  
My little brother passed away a little over a month ago. He had come down from school to visit for the holidays. I had went and stayed the night with …

Hearing people talking 
At times when I am either busy, alone, or somehow aware... I can hear people talking.. I don't actually hear words, just mumbleing, however I can tell …

Question about light body experience 
Hi i have had alot of spiritual challenges of late. I'm happy to say i feel as thoguh i have overcome many of them. However during these challenges my …

Unusual Symptoms 
Just within the last 4 months I have had signficant changes such as extreme crying episodes when I am at home alone, sleeping for less than 2 or three …

Ready and Feeling it 
I have been releasing old negative energy in bursts of emotion. I also have been experiencing instant karma. I have been more affected by chemtrails, television …

Seeing Gridlines 
I've been seeing gridlines when I wake up from sleep, for a few years now. When I first started to see them, they were an illuminated light blue color. …

Last Quarter of 2012 
October 5, 2012 I've shared experiences over the last few years here and glad I did, not only because it could help others, but also to look back and …

Eli Arizona 
I would like to get in touch with this person. I stubbled on this website by somethng I typed. I would like to know how she is doing with the feelings …

Pure Energy 
around 3am today as I was about to drift off to sleep, I experienced a full body energy surge that started at my ankles and when it reached my chest, it …

releasing ego 
for several months now I have been going through parts of my ego one by one and then releasing it. like I haven't felt real anger since I was very young …

At my local bar I have been judged for drinking water by some but that is another issue. Ialso enjoy dancing free of fear or judgement and love every second …

soulfully stuck 
This is the first time I have ever seen a tittle for what my whole life has been. It has only been a couple months that I have started to find you all, …

Will And Care Over To Creater (God) Always 
I can faithfully say I am experienced in light (i.e. energy) body since late 2001. What prompted me to end my suffering in this Earth was the 9-11-01 attacks. …

My Light Body Experiences 
I have experienced a vast amount of light body experiences throughout the last 5 years. Some of them have been positive and some not so good. It started …

disconnection, mood swings ect... 
I feel disconnected to everything. My family, my friends, everything around me and even God. Two years ago I woke up from my ego sleep and I've been close …

chest-pain and breath - difficulties. 
I have recently been experiencing alot of things that I think might be symptoms of turning into a lightbody, although I am not sure, like digestive problems …

Opeing to the activations 
I have been experiencing Lightbody symptoms for the past three years, on and off in severity. At first I thought I was seriously ill and in some moments …

The shadow was holding my child... 
I had a dream a couple years ago at the age of 17 that abruptly ended at a terrifying part and continued to haunt me for an additional 6 months until the …

Life has been very strange.. I dont feel normal or serene or in touch with spirit, I feel fevered,frustrated uncomfortable and angry and depressed. I cannot …

Where Go I 
I have this feeling that I can't get over. Where am I to go if I'm already there? Why continue on this journey if I've already reached my destination? …

inner trembling 
inner trembling almost every night. Can feel in my body but not on outside. Have had this for eight years sometime not so bad but lately its been waking …

My Visit With a Tibetan Lama 
I wrote a previous post "Feeling Someone Touching Me" back in December 2009. There seem to be alot of others that are experiencing this as well...very …

Meditation, be it using frequency, music, nothing, etc. To begin Light Body Transformation 
I have been becoming more and more spiritual in recent days and began to meditate, now i am daily. I have found info on binaural beats (frequencies) supposedly …

Losing the Logical for the Spiritual 
My experiences began a few years ago; however, I'm now surrendering fully to it. I'm a very logical person, so although spiritual as well, I would analyze …

Peaceful sensations 
About a year ago I was deceived by a man that I fell very much in love with. He revealed he had another life after many months of us dating. The shock …

hi all well i have had many OBE in the last 20 yrs,i could see my light body as three bright colours. blu white and pink, i had great fun moving around …

Vibration and Floating 
Hi everyone, I would also like to share my experiences that have been going on for over 20 years. First thing is that I feel like I can float right out …

My daughter's bad dreams 
Recently I have gotten engaged and will soon be married. My daughter's father has been in out of jail and only sees her when I make it convenient for him. …

recent dream causing some concern 
Last night i woke TWICE with the same dream & anxiety as the result as i remembered dreaming about a huge amount of blood pouring into my heart area from …

please i need some guidance 
hi people last night about 5 minutes after i went to bed i suddenly got this really loud whistling in my ears and my whole body was vibrating,I felt …

finding the light 
for the past two months my body has been in chaos. i have developed kidney stones which have been formed by many years of urinary tract infections. a have …

GOD is a good engineer  
Hi... I am a simple woman/house wife and job less my part is only do the house work and take care my children and there needs... I was become battered …

can someone help me 
hello, i feel that someone touches me in my head,legs,arms and back. but that's not all sometimes i feel that my knees are hot but all that i don't feel …

spiritual manifestations 
Sorry for my English. I am truly impressed with all stories.My experience began a year ago and range from the physical symptoms described by many here …

Sleep Apnea  
Sleep Apnea has appeared in the last 12 months with no relief from the usual CPAP treatment ,only making it worse, sleeping very heavy but being very active …

A new me 
In July 2010, I starting questioning my life and why it felt like life was meaningless. I thought about it non-stop, and started doubting the existence …

What's with the hair? 
My body feels heavy in the past few days like there's something going on with my tissues. I try to listen to it and I have the urge to do something like …

Have stabbing pain in teh right side of my neck, wondering what is happening 
Hi My name is Maria, I hope that thsi e-mail finds you well. I am writing to you, to enquire about a sharp constant stabbing pain that |I have been …

Very depressed 
I'm depressed to where I can hardly get out of bed each day. I wake up and just want to stay in bed and try to connect with's like I cannot …

digestive changes 
For the past few months, I have been experiencing many changes. I began waking up in the middle of the night feel nauseous. I have had this great fear …

Something Beyond Words 
Stuck between Two Places, Focused on one. Not able to go forward or stay behind. The Choice isn't Hard, but people make it seem like there is more …

relationship changes 
I've been going through these changes for the past 2 years since I had a spiritual awakening. I have been finding myself so bored and restless now, and …

Telepathic Communication 
Please pray for people worldwide on earth receiving the absolute truth in 2011. On the earth is the second coming of Jesus Christ in Spirit. Thank you …

Enery surges and wake-up calls  
Hi everyone! Sharing a few experiences that started about a year ago. This happens once every couple of months. After a restful night of sleep, I …

Shambhala and the Silver Centaur 
December 7, 2010 I have continued to go through drastic changes in the last few months. I guess there was some finishing up to do for the end of 2010 …

Sleeping problems 
I haven't been sleeping well in months. I've tried many things from meditation, prayer, guided imagery, herbs. I've had sleep problems all my life, but …

The Latest Test of My Faith 
I recently went through a period of a year where I was unemployed. I took a break and secluded myself from the outside world during that year. It felt …

Sensitive ...  
I have always been sensitive but about 20 years ago around Harmonic Convergance time I began to become even more sensitive. I developed clairaudience, …

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts 
My name is Jimmy, and I have shared on here before. I am undergoing the light body activation process. It has been an incredibly awesome, humbling, exciting …

Just read a few people's sharing and i'm excitec 
I just read Jimmy's share on his experience and I can't tell you how siked I am to have read it. I have been on alot of sites over the past two and a …

The Hum etc. 
Since the beginning of this year I have been hearing a hum that changes its pitch and then changes back. It isn't intrusive although at first I was a bit …

Sexual symptoms 
Since I have been receiving palpable infusions of light, I have noticed an increase in sexual desire. I thought the opposite would occur. I assumed my …

Feelings of unreality - purification? 
It started a few weeks ago when I started reading a dissertation on Richard Rose’s teachings (an American spiritual teacher who had a profound awakening …

A lot of old physical symptoms are coming up, including my ribs hurting from accidents that occurred 10+ years ago, my ankle with has had two surgeries …

Sad Feeling That I Don't Have Much Time Left 
I've been going through HUGE changes with the recent Eclipses. This last one on July 11th totally knocked me on my rear! I had to be in bed for 4 days, …

Energy going out of my head 
I'm curious to see if anybody else is having experiences similar to mine. I wrote about this before, but this time I want to give more details, because …

not myself... 
ive been having these feelings something bad is going to happen dont know to who or when but they freak me out, at night i feel like im not alone, spacing …

Please answer this question! 
Hello, i dont know what to do about my lower back/base of my spine.I go to bikram yoga an any pose that i have to bend forward on is basically impossible …

Where do I start? First it was just slight fatigue that I chalked up to being in an abusive relationship and that I needed to heal. At the same time I …

I am experiencing a new awareness, that is sometimes subtle, and sometimes abrupt. It feels like a purging; as though there are happenings, and experiences …

Beginning in 2006, when I retired, following a protracted life challenge (25 years of survival struggle while trying to stay safe from a stalker), I 'rested' …

some COOL stuff is happening here! 
Well, as some of you already know we are experiancing some major changes on Earth. I can help you learn about a few things here. Earth is going through …

I'm so excited! 
My body has been changing for about nine months. It started with what I believe to be a kundilini rising while I was meditating in my car. Energy rose …

some new information/ John H 
I have already posted a few things on this sight, so I thought I would help you to really understand what is going on with yourself and the world. I cite …

I met Jesus. pt.1 
Last night, my dog, my parrot, and myself were all in one room. I was sitting on the couch with my dog. All of the sudden, we all heard a very quiet vehicle …

Facial eczema 
After trying endless external & internal treatments i have suddenly realized this condition must be spiritual in origin; an external manifestation of the …

I met my Son and whole family on the other side 
Holy Cow! Last night I was watching a movie about Atlantis and ascention and I paused it. I felt the need to close my eyes and suddenly everything made …

Seeing Foggy Shadow Overlay 
May 12, 2010 I've been tracking my progress in this transformation we've all been going through. It seems that as I go through different phases of …

Higher spiritual awareness 
Since 2006 I have noticed a change within myself as far as being aware of who and what I am. I have sought answers all my life since I was 12 I am now …

Light Body Experiences 
Hi I have just found this amazing site and enjoying reading all info. I have had a range of experiences as I go through this transition I have been …

I have been hearing sounds that are hard to describe, but it's like a radio station is on but nobody is broadcasting anything, at least not yet. Has anyone …

the weird part about my story is that my sister whom i'm very attatched to, my 6 year old son and i have all been experiencing exactly the same symptoms …

Pain on left side of body 
Pain only in left side of body. Left heal, left knee, left elbow. Also neck/back pain that had me immoble for 3 weeks. All of this at the same time. …

Last year was a wonderful year, positive and spiritually fulfilling. My health had the normal ups and downs. Nothing unusual. Then Dec. brought some changes …

The power of you 
I wake up daily with swollen fingers and toes and my feet ache constantly. On the positive side I feel drawn more and more to the divine and my thoughts …

Embracing change. 
While we are all experiencing the expansion of light in different ways its great to hear and share how we each do feel and experience this as its all so …

I am so glad you are mentioning dental issues. My entire mouth has been hurting for several days now to the point where my teeth are so sensitive I can't …

A Newcomer 
While meditating for acceptance of a serious state, I had a mental vision of God opening His mouth with the DNA symbol streaming from it. It meant to …

In the morning, upon arising, I have finger joint phenomena, where the finger end joins the palm. It feels double jointed. Especially the little finger …

Personal Portal / Vortex ? 
2010 has been a very interesting year so far!! There is definitely a lot more Spiritual activity for me than there has been in the last 2 years. Over …

Simon (England) 
I cant seem to drink as much Alcohol and get drunk very quickly now! Feel its time to stop drinking if i want to assist my growth ... anyone else having …

The New World 
The New-World In the beginning we learn to accept the not so bad Much the same way we learn to accept the not so good There's nothing more gripping …

Light Body Symptom of feeling cold 
I feel cold all the time. More so when I'm around a group of people. I read under light body effects that this happens when your vibrational level is adjusting …

Miracles abound!! 
I've been feeling more and more free as each day I continue on with my conscious manifestations more and more miracles abound!! I have experienced …

REALLY disturbed digestion since the start of January 
My digestive system is all over the place at the moment, particularly in my lower abdomen- I have NEVER experienced anything like what is happening at …

High Blood pressure 
I have had high blood pressure for the last 10 years. I have been working with a Natureopath to lower it without medication. It was working, the pressure …

spirit of rose 
I know that something has changed vibrationally (energetically) since the last full moon eclipse.

Loving guidance through cancer 
July 2009 diagnosis of inoperable cancer. At this time holistic means is my only cure. I am filled with faith and have been following a strong guidance. …

Recent Shift is More Intense 
Wow, things have drastically changed since Dec.31st! I have written about "work" being done on me in the past 2 pages that I've posted, but it's intensified …

can you answer my question ? 
hello,sometimes when I inhale, I get this like popping or crackling sound in my chest/back area,and even more strange is when I am lying on my stomach …

Burning sensation with batteries/electrical things 
When I hold anything with batteries my hands burn. Sitting in front of my laptop hurts my chest. I notice the energy from the laptop hurts my hands and …

Ok, I've written about previous experiences of being "worked on" recently and actually feeling something reaching into my back and chakras. So now I've …

Time for an MRI or more "Downloads"??? 
Hello everyone. I've mentioned in a previous post ("Negative Energy and the Sacred Rose") about some very disconcerting vision "displays" (for lack of …

Feeling Someone Touching Me 
I've had lots of symptoms for the past 2 years; headaches, dizziness, ringing in right ear, seeing gridlines & geometrical shapes, seeing white lights …

long time 
Since I was 13 years old (now I'm 59), I had a spiritual master, and all this, that is happening now, was preview by Him, and we had learned how to behave, …

Four 1/2 years ago I experienced a spontaneous Kundalini awakening. I have been experiencing photism since that time along LOTS of other stuff. The most …

Compelled to change diet and crazy allergy symptoms 
I have been compelled to cut out meat completely from my diet and eat only a small amount of fish and chicken (maybe once or twice a week). I am craving …

Can anyone comment on this question: 
I am finding a lot of commonalities with others here on this website. One of the things that strikes me about lightworkers is that we kind of feel that …

Sometimes I feel Invisible... 
...does anyone else have this happen? I can literally be in a room of people who don't know me, and it's as if they can't even see me! I mean, I speak …

Special Ground Forces 
Well, dear Mashubi, I was totally surprised by your request to share my light body experiences. Delighted, but caught unaware that someone would ask! …

Cindy-Lee's light body experiences 
In the last couple of months what I have been going through has intensified over the last few years. I have felt like my head is going to explode, not …

Sri Mrenhensi 
Found you online; immersed self in your webpages, especially Purification. At intersection in this earth Soul's journey. Quite suddenly, ready or not, …

The Rose Portal of the 11th Year 
I feel my heart opening like never much love for all. But my body does feel at times like it is just hurting a lot. Lots of sinus. I have …

Ten Years of Releasing and Ten Years to Celebrate! 
Just before New Year's Eve of 1999 I was at a sacred site in Sri Lanka where a Buddhist priest conducted a ceremony for my "accelerated spiritual development". …

Accumulative Perspective 
At this point in our lives the hope is that we have embraced free will As a road that leads to acceptance of whatever life's challenges are And no matter …

Lightbody Experiences 
Continuous PMS on steroids emotional roller-coaster. Periods of extreme rage and anger followed by periods of extreme sadness and then elation... and …

Hi, I have been experiencing sparkly lights for a long time...but I have noticed them much more...and seeing blue sparks of light, they are always above …

Symptoms of Clearing and Changes to Diet 
Hay fever symptoms have been particularly strong this year. Also small skin cancers on my arms! Which was disturbing at first but am now aware that this …

It is great to be here 
This site is the only reference i have for where we are. Everyone around me is at sleep and i am silence. Thank you my dear brother Nanci

Light Body Experiences - Not in the 3rd/4th Dimension 
Well, I woke up this morning and I realized I am no longer in the place my body was born. I'm not tired and I'm not revved up. I'm floating and feel like …

Shared Experiences 
I also feel tired and that I have in a transition however, moving on the path I feel I am being guided is not currently in the flow. My will power is …

What a ride this has been 
In 1991 I thought ascension was only about 5 years away, I had many wonderful spiritual experiences. In 1998 and I look back I could see there was still …

Neck pain 
Hi all..... yes, over the past ten years I have experienced ALL of the symptoms that you have listed - notably headaches. The headaches are of two types: …

Calm Certainty 
For the past three months I've been quite ill. I've been exhausted, had a lot of trouble breathing, intermittent nausea and dizziness, diarrhea for months, …

Light Body 
Thanks for the information on the light body. I just came to realize that the light body relates to the meridian system in the body. Interesting!

The Wild Ride of the Summer of 2009 and Beyond 
The summer was one wild ride. There were times I felt like I would burst because there was so much energy coming at me. During the period of the solstice …

I have gone from a totally DEPRESSED and sick person , I weighed over 170 lbs now 130 and I am no longer depressed I am becoming more positive everyday. …

Hello Mashubi and hello to everyone reading this message. Everything that happens to me happens in the early morning hours. I am now and have been four …

MaryEllen's Light Body Experiences 
This past February I was hit with massive belching attacks. I can belch for 8 hours straight. My insides feel swollen almost all the time. I have had an …

Light Body Question - Pain 
I have a friend who is also experiencing pain through the whole body which cannot be diagnosed. If it is possible for you to say what the physical condition …

What am I Experiencing 
Dearest Mashubi, I am sending you much love, light and hugs. My challenges are not so great with regards my health I am blessed in that area. However …

Pathway Of No Return 
I have been on this ascension pathway for 20 years, all the time feeling I was just about there. Although I have had lots of wonderful experiences.I started …

My Light Body Experiences 
There have been so many,eating and sleeping a lot. Headaches, neck pain, pressure in and around the head. Hip and lower body pain, bladder and frequent …

Ebony and Ivory 
I am experiencing the keys on the piano fully, not hiding from them. Really experiencing 3D so I can swim below and fly above when the emotions of duality …

Patti's Light Body Experiences 
I am working AGAIN on becoming a raw foodist. I still cook for my husband, so it can be difficult at times. I am doing rather well, but the expected weight …

Angel Aware 
I am being amazed at the signs i am hearing and seeing coming from ones who have no clue whats going on. It has brought me to tears more often than i …

Infections, Rashes and Skin Eruptions? 
I have been experiencing more and more skin rashes, eruptions, cold sores and other low grade viral symptoms since the beginning of 2009. This usually …

I feel it is a time for gratitude. This word has become very powerful for me, for it is I AM, that chooses to Know and to Be Grateful for the changes that …

The Language of the Soul 
The Language of the Soul This is from one of my blogs and I thought I'd share it wih all of you..I hope on some level it will speak to you. …

Its a new me spirit  
How can one feel the new light body and feel this earthly heaviness.. with eyes wide open and facing upward. I keep being reminded its a journey and sometimes …

Question About Anger and Disconnection 
this anger i'm feeling is destroying my marriage...i feel no connection to do i stay connected when there is no one here that cares …

My Lightbody Experiences 
I have been feeling really tired and sleeping alot. I've been feeling a bit disoriented and dizzy. Today I was standing on the roof of the parking structure …

Energy and drained at the same time 
Hi mashubi, It has been for over a week now, the muscles in my back are in knots, my legs are heavy and the bottoms of my feet are in pain.I have been …

Light Body Symptoms - Lower Body Deadness 
I have been having a lower body deadness as if Periferal Neurapathy was in full swing with no problem being evident in the neural pathways. All the tests …

Susan 's Light Body Experiences 
Some of my phenomenon is mental; I have a sensitivity to light (like the house dim lit); also more sensitive to sound in a selective manner.. such as I …

Third Eye Light Body Experiences 
night work, sense my third eye being worked on as I awake in the morning. Sally

My Light Body Experience and Questions 
Hi I have just discovered this website and I am glad to be able to ask a few questions that I have been thinking about. The other day I could feel energy …

Light Body Experiences - Is this Normal? 
i'm experiencing nervousness lack of creativity mood swings tired aches and pains is this normal please let me know how do i deal with this problem thank …

Experiences of Loss and Sorrow 
I am in a place of sorrow. I caregive for my 83 yr old Mother. At the same time I am trying to learn massage and get a license to practice. I lost my precious …

Can Someone Explain Light Healing to Me? 
can someone explain light healing to me? i need so much physical and financial healing I am terrified to wake up each morning and often pray that i don't! …

Sacred Consciousness of Food 
My light body has been purifying for some time now - nearly 30 years. I'm over the most difficult parts as my body has rewired and that makes it easier …

Fatigued and Hungry! 
For many months now, all I've wanted to do is eat and sleep. I also have an almost constant feeling of pressure in my head (unrelated to sinuses). Sometimes …

Very Intense Changes 
Starting from the 30th March i have experienced everything from my heart beating very hard, emotional outbursts (mainly crying), headaches, weight loss/change …

Always Tired and Feeling Angry 
Hello, I'm a new comer to this site which I happened onto from a link "". I have been delving into the dimensions that I've learned from …

Brenda's Light Body Experiences 
All this has already happened as my experience of The One platinum white light energy of the ONE Light & LOVE who is us and is co-creating this Earth during …

Light Body Experiences of Sue  
It started by someone waking me up, it wasn't what was said so much as an actual shift in my thinking. I noticed the numbers first. 11:11 and others. …

Riding the Wave of Shifting Energies  
Since 12/07, for me, things have been intense. A left-brained, Corporate warrior for thirty-five years and good at it, following retirement in July 2006, …

Light Body Experiences? Constant Viral Infections  
I have had a constant stream of viral infections since the end of January 2009. First it's a sore throat, then that goes away, then I get skin eruptions, …

Light Body Changes - Difficulty Sleeping 
I am having a lot more difficult sleeping lately. Sometimes I can't fall asleep, or I only sleep for a few hours. I am exhausted but sleep doesn't come. …

Healing Energy 
Hey there, For the past few weeks I've been attending a spiritual healing course.Experienced Healers in my class often say that when they feel the energies …

Anger with Physical Symptoms 
I am struggling with feelings of rage and anger and helplessness. I seem to lose my temper with my children and my spouse when these feelings rise to the …

Body Experiences  
I am mostly aware of unusual energy experiences at night. Waves of energy enter my body, generally through my feet, and spread throughout my body. The …

Light Body Experiences - Symptoms 
Wow I get similar symptoms around my head, especially when the Orion constellation is overhead at night.When I feel waves of cosmic energy rush through, …

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