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New Light Body News, Issue #009 -- Welcome to 2010 January 15, 2010 |
Dearest Friends, Welcome to our first newsletter of 2010! I've been experiencing some major energetic changes and so it has not been possible for me to write or be active in our recent discussions, but I look forward to sharing more with you when I can! You can read some of my previous updates and some of what I have been going through in our newsletter archive. My dearest teacher Julie Redstone has written a message for us for January 2010 which I am including here today for you. I encourage you to continue to share as you have been here on our discussion areas. This has been very valuable for all of us as we go through these times of such extraordinary change. The support and sharing here touches my heart and I thank you. I send you much love, light and blessings! With much love, Mashubi
Recent Contributions, Updates and DiscussionsThese are the newest pages and visitor contributions to our site, listed by date according to the most recent additions: And these are our newest light body experiences and discussions shared by you and our other visitors! The most recently commented upon pages will display first: We welcome your comments and contributions! Please let us know what you are experiencing in your body, energy field and consciousness right now. What questions you may have, what challenges you are facing? It is always helpful for others who are visiting to know they are not alone in what they may be going through. January 2010 Message from Julie RedstoneBeloved Ones, There is a growing need for all who are experiencing symptoms of adaptation to the increased levels of spiritual light present on Earth, to learn how to hold these changes within the context of spiritual purification and transformation. Often, medical involvement, both allopathic and alternative, views symptoms and offers diagnoses that are what the symptom picture "resembles," and yet the cause lies in a different direction. Equally often, unusual or puzzling symptoms have no medical diagnosis and no clear path of healing. Given the common view, It is very easy to become immersed in a perspective which holds that something primarily physical is going on. To counter this tendency, it becomes increasingly necessary to have an anchor in the spiritual world in which light is real and people's bodies are changing because of it. Spiritual anchoring at this time of physical, emotional, and mental change is key. Such anchoring will convey to you a sense of trust and peace, and will allow you, with the help of inner guidance, to do what is needed physically, emotionally, and medically in order to help the situation. Such anchoring will prevent you from getting lost in a more limited interpretation of what is going on. If you have not reached out for support in relation to these issues, please consider doing so. The New Light Body site is an important vehicle for information and support, as are the discussion forums within, and Messages by Request and the Time of Awakening blog, both of which can offer guidance for your personal concerns. You may also wish to read more about the purification process so that you are steeped in its principles. Talk to others, and most importantly, pay attention to what your spirit and body are asking for during this transitional time. Believe that you are capable of being guided from within and ask to know what is needed. You are not alone with your difficulties. Help exists within you, both from external guidance and from another part of yourself. It also exists around you in the spiritual resources that are present. Patience and trust are needed during this time, beloved ones, especially when symptoms that are uncomfortable do not have a quick or easy way of resolving themselves. Your body, heart, mind, and spirit are all taking part in an extraordinary amount of change. Trust this. From the atoms and molecules of your cells themselves, every part of you is going through this transition into greater light. Blessings - Julie Redstone
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