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About New Light Body


Hello and welcome! Thank you so much for visiting. My name is Mashubi, and I'm the founder of this website, which is part of our 501 (3c) non-profit educational organization World Blessings Inc. which you can find at

This site is in the process of being updated and I look forward to sharing more with you soon!

I created New Light Body with help from my spiritual teacher Guriji-Ma, previously known as Julie of, whose articles you will find on this site, and with much help from the Realms of Light who guide my work and offer their messages through me.

On this site you will see articles I have written, articles by Guruji-Ma, and spiritual guidance messages from the Realms of Light that I have received.

How New Light Body was Born

The the story of how I came to create this site is a perfect example of how spiritual guidance comes into physical manifestation, not always easily, clearly or quickly!

The inspiration to create New Light Body came to me in April 2008 after four solid months of some of the most unusual energetic and light body symptoms I had ever experienced.

Those that guide me from the Realms of Light began to share more spiritual guidance about the importance of this new transition into light that we are experiencing on the Earth, and how it is affecting all of us, not only our physical bodies but all parts of our lives.

The Challenges of Manifesting Light

Unlike my experience of creating the World Blessings websites, the inspiration and guidance for New Light Body came to me during a time when I felt significantly unable to start anything new or focus on any new projects. I felt so much changing in my own body that just keeping up with the demands and responsibilities of my work and daily life was more than enough.

In addition to this, I encountered such a huge level of contraction any time I tried to do anything towards building this website, that I often didn't have the energy to persist through the difficulties. I have noticed this phenomenon before, that when creating something new that is related to light, everything seems to take a little longer, or sometimes much longer than one would expect.

As we began to build the site, all kinds of technical challenges arose, one after another. People who were helping did not respond or took weeks to complete something that normally would take one day.

Our original graphic designer simply disappeared and abandoned the site, so we had to piece together an 'almost good enough' graphic just to be able to get started. It was a seemingly endless parade of difficulties and I needed to take frequent breaks in order to avoid getting caught up in the energy of frustration or despair!

Moving Forward

The following year, I was feeling a strong need to move the site forward, despite the huge contraction I felt all around me. I asked for help with this and received guidance to restructure the original site plan plan and for the time being to focus the new content of the site towards the experiences and practical concerns that so many of us are facing right now.

By December of 2009 my own experience of new light body symptoms had greatly accelerated, and we began receiving feedback from our visitors about their own intensified experiences of light. At this time I began receiving more information from the Realms of Light for the site.

Many of us are experiencing all manner of unique light body symptoms, new kinds of sensitivities to energies, environments, chemicals, foods, and even herbs and botanicals. Some of us are having a lot of difficulty finding help for some of these new challenges.

We are continuing to add some new interactive features to the site so you can share your experiences more easily. I hope you will join us as these discussions unfold!

We sent out our first New Light Body Newsletter in May 2009. I wasn't able to keep up with this, however I received clear guidance at the beginning of 2023 to begin publishing again.  We re-launched the newsletter in early 2023 and are writing occasionally here at New Light Body News.

An Unexpected Shift in Direction

My own spiritual work and transformation process shifted in 2009 and required me let go of many of the personal interactivity that I usually enjoy with the beautiful souls who write to me through this site and through World Blessings.

Although it has not been possible to respond to most of the e-mails I receive, I am very grateful for your love and support!

At this same time, I received guidance and support from the Realms of Light to begin focusing on developing new business projects that were intended to eventually support my husband and I during a time of transition. We were guided to prepare to relocate and to begin a new chapter in our spiritual healing work for the Earth.

This was a slow process which required years to fully manifest, and much of my time and attention since then has required that I focus on very practical tasks related to this.

My mind is not at all business oriented, however I had developed skills during the years when it was not possible for me to support myself by offering healing sessions. These were a blessing, and helped me to share spiritual light with a wider audience, and enabled me to develop the World Blessings websites, and this site!

In 2013 I developed some health challenges after being bitten by a tick, so that I was no longer able to continue my business, which led to a number of years of profound learning, healing, transformation, and financial challenge!

Where Are We Now?

Fast forward to the 2020's, when we have entered a new era in the transformation of our Earth.  Times are greatly accelerated and we are living in a brand new vibration and a rapidly changing world.

In September of 2022 I received guidance from the Realms of Light to offer a five part New Light Body Activation series, and I began receiving material for a book about the New Light Body. 

I was told at this time that the direction of our non-profit educational organization World Blessings Inc. needed to focus on this topic for 2023.  In 2023 we are reactivating our newsletter and offering a very profound series of New Light Body Healing Activations

It is important to me that New Light Body and the World Blessings websites transmit a vibration of light and healing, and so for this reason I have never placed advertising on these sites. If I did, the sites would easily pay for themselves, but the vibration would change and so the sites would not be accomplishing their purpose.

To help us to maintain the hosting other website services, we gratefully receive donations so that we can continue to offer these services, and to support the daily work that we are doing to bring spiritual light to the Earth.

Thank you SO much to those who are helping us to continue this site!  We are deeply grateful for your support.

What is Happening for You Right Now?

The New Light Body website is being created with assistance, inspiration and spiritual guidance from the Realms of Light, but it is your needs that will determine the direction that the site takes.

I invite you to join our mailing list for our updated, and to take a moment to share with us questions and concerns that you may have about your light body, your physical body, your health, your daily life, and how your spirituality is manifesting in your daily life.

I thank you for visiting and look forward to sharing more with you as this journey into greater light continues for us all!

Copyright© 2008 - 2024 by World Blessings Inc. and

World Blessings Inc. is a 501 (3c) non-profit educational organization.