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Angel Aware

by Cathy
(Harper Woods MI)

I am being amazed at the signs i am hearing and seeing coming from ones who have no clue whats going on. It has brought me to tears more often than i care to admit...I feel this change and want to participate more fully but being new to this i am afraid to offend spirit by doing something wrong. I've been told i can't offend spirit...but that so contradicts everything i have ever been taught and i just want to do things right.

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Sep 17, 2009
God is love
by: Mashubi

Hello dearest Cathy,

I understand how intimidating it can be to be told that you may offend spirit. That makes it difficult to feel that anything you do is the right thing.

There is another part of you that is beyond what you've been taught, that is already with God and in God and of God. You are a divine child of light and were created in beauty and purity and goodness. You have the ability within you to feel and to connect with God's love and light, and to have your own relationship with spirit and your own unique experience of the divine.

May you be blessed with a deep and direct experience of God's divine love that illuminates your path and connects you with the beauty that you are. Amen and blessings to you.

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