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can someone help me

hello, i feel that someone touches me in my head,legs,arms and back. but that's not all sometimes i feel that my knees are hot but all that i don't feel scare or it's not painfull. One day i was laying down in my stomach and i was falling asleep but i was still awakend, i felt that someone huge me like there were protecting me, but then i felt that in my left finger something or someone was putting a ring on me like sliding into my finger and i felted but there was nobody there!!! i did not feel scare or anything but i don't know how to explain this so if anybody can help me. i don't have a boyfriend or a husband that die or anything like that i thank god.

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Jun 14, 2012
by: Anonymous


I have experienced and know people who have too what you have. If it worries you amethyst blocks spirits being attracted to you during sleep, create a dome holding amethyst using a swirling/ circling motion. If your comfortable you can ask the spirit who they are, are they for your higher good, what do you need to learn

Love n light

May 09, 2012
by: Anonymous

It sounds like someone loves you and is marrying your spirit. I have picked a a mate for myself as well and spiritually met her, held her and her me.
Someone loves you for true I think and you may be engaged to be married.
If you want to experience more spiritual encounters, just ask aloud and to God for answers and such. Even ask who was it that put this ring on.
Believe me , the unseen world is real and perhaps in a different dimension, and or reality.
Be of good cheer, because now you know for sure that the spirit is real and there is life beyond your fleshly life.

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