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energy feeling on the left side of my head

by Charlotte B
(Georgia. ..USA )

It started 2 nights ago. .I was watching tv right before bed and I had a energy feeling on the left side of my head...well it seem to last for a few seconds and stop,this lasted for about two hours or so but I was scared to go to sleep. .well the next day i was outside with my dog and it started all over again. .does anyone know what this is?

Comments for energy feeling on the left side of my head

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May 11, 2015
by: Elle

It could possibly be your Crown chakra activating. I feel energy on my head every day and the sensations vary...but my Crown chakra has been active for many years.

Sometimes it can feel like bugs crawling and moving my hair around, sometimes a buzzing feeling, a liquid feeling, a chills sensation or a fluttering. Occasionally its only on one side of my head and sometimes its on my entire head.

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