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Energy Sensitivity Since I Was Kid into becomnig an energy expert

Ever since I was a kid, I was always sensitive towards angry teachers and super shy around girls. I used to actually get mean with other kids in order to keep these kinds of energies away from me. Once I got older and fell in love for the first time, I felt the most amazing spiritual high so incredible. Then when other forces like resentments, fear, and personal demons got in the way of that love, it crumbled and i crumbled into a million pieces and I also realized that I was being played like crazy and manipulated into a war (spiritual warfare) with another person in this girls life. It felt like all of the bad karma I had built up over time all came back at me all at once. I found god and slowely but surely my life has turned around into an extremely positive place. I am so sensitive towards other peoples energies that I have had to change to the way I deal with people in confrontations and break ups so that I could live with my own being. It took me a really long time to realize that I am a protector and I am blessed by having this gift of being energectly sensitive. My whole life I wanted to change who I was because I was afraid of being vulnerable. I am wondering what kind of good stuff I can use this gift for? I channel it towards music and arts alot, meeting good people, helping others, uplifting others, connecting with animals(dogs). I guess my question is, is there anything that I am missing that I should know about this gift that I amy not already know or understand and is there anyways that I can use it that I have not thought of?

Comments for Energy Sensitivity Since I Was Kid into becomnig an energy expert

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Nov 14, 2014
same as you
by: tara

glad i finally read that someone has been as senstive as i have

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