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Hearing frequencies and sensitivity to sounds

by Kelsey
(Seattle )

Since having many energy healings, meditating and growing spirtual in the last two years (and becoming truth conscious), I notice that I hear strange frequencies that can come and go during different times of the day or week. I have had these all my life but they have become more common as I grow spiritually. Also I find that I cannot handle loud or shrill noises, and waiting for and riding the bus to and from work is a torturous experience for my ears. I now wear ear plugs. I also cannot handle crowds, drunks or a lot of alcohol. I see things for what they really are. And I sometimes feel strange being in my room at night and receive messages guiding me (It is most likely channeling from guides). My natural healing abilities are coming through and I now can clear and heal without much outside teaching. I also feel the ups and downs of mood. I am nervous about our dependence on technology, crave being in nature and around animals and positive people. I feel anxious and excited about the impending future and feel that where I live (Seattle) is about to experience a very large and destructive earthquake. But I trust that I am hear for a good reason and I will be at the right place at the right time! It is all very exciting and daunting all at the same time!

Comments for Hearing frequencies and sensitivity to sounds

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Jul 20, 2010
Seattle erarthquake
by: Anonymous

I live near Seattle. I have a daughter who is pregnant with twins(her first babies)and so this news makes me feel a little anxious. My other daughter is moving to the east side of the state for college. I am unemployed and my car is in seriously bad shape. I am wondering if I will be able to get around? Will alot of people lose their lives? I know that I am here for a reason. I am a lightworker, but I have been feeling anxious lately some of which is related to being unemployed and not having financial security. I am wanting to move forward with my life and feel so stuck. I have been feeling for yrs. that things are going to get better and I won't have to struggle so much. It is getting hard to keep up the positive attitude, to keep having faith. My life is very solitary, I mostly communicate online. It makes me wonder why my life doesn't improve so I can get out more and interact with people. I love animals and have a heart for those that are abused and neglected, but my car is in such bad shape and I can't volunteer anywhere. I'm tired.

Jul 08, 2010
I totally understand & agree with you
by: John H

I agree and understand where you are coming from. Remember, there are two of ourselves. There is the body with the brain and then there is the spirit. When we focus on the body and the brain we shift into our three dimensional plane. When we think with our hearts and tune into our spirit we think more clearly. Your spirit is seeking tranquility and peace, that is why you want quiet and serenity. You are more tuned into your spirit than your physical self..this is a good thing. I believe cities are not the place to be because of lack of spiritualism and violence. I am moving to logan utah, the population is low, its beautiful and clean.Seatle is next to the ocean so if there is a quake you could experiance a sumanami..possibly, not definate though. Try this for more spiritual connection. Close your eyes in a quiet place and concentrate on the whole planet. Pretend like you are part of the earth and tune into it, tell me your resultson one of my pages here under john h. take care and peace.

Jul 07, 2010
hearing things
by: Christine

I have experienced much of what you have.I can't stand loud noise or noises that other people can't hear.I have always been able to hear all sounds right down to the faintest sounds that others can't hear.I see my Spirit Guides/ angels almost every night and I have for as long as I can remember. They visit me all the time now.I think what you are experiencing is right with the times we are in.

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