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I can see energy

I can see auras around people, animals, and objects often. I can also see the energy in a room, the sky, or even around objects. Some energy takes on wierd forms and colors and it is confusing. I have tried to go to other websites to see what colors mean what but each website says something different. I would like some help with this so i can understand what it is i see exactly.

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May 05, 2015
by: Anonymous

I too have recently developed this ability and it is very confusing! I mainly see energy in whatever space I am in, both outside and inside. While I can see auras it is much easier for me to see energy outside of bodies. This usually appears as swirls and fluid movement. Almost like the sun shining on a pool of water. When I see lots of movement I interpret this as a high energy area, something "charged." The bathroom at my work is one place where I have always seen thick foggy energy covering the bottom half of the bathroom. I also sometimes see flashes of an outline of a person. Unsure what was going on (thinking I was just seeing things) I asked my boss and he mentioned that when he was having the building cleared of unwanted and negative energies the man doing the clearing said two people had died in that bathroom and that there was a lot of bad energy there. Anyways, it is nice to hear that other people see these things to! When I research online there in a ton of information on aura fields but less about energy bodies, fields and vortexes around us.

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