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literally everyone can hear my thoughts

by kaylynn n
(san francisco, california, usa)

everyone can hear my thoughts.

it started with my mom over a year ago, and it has progressed to literally everyone that i meet.

it's really embarrassing, as since this has started happening, i've progressed into mental illness. everyone can hear them and responds to them, but when i seek help for this problem, it's me overreacting.

how do i shield my thoughts from others? i'm literally half the mental person i used to be and my family is suffering because of it.

please share any suggestions or would just like to share stories or have questions about mine.

Comments for literally everyone can hear my thoughts

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Sep 06, 2014
Same thing happens to me.
by: Anonymous

I'm the same way. Everyone ears everything. And I mean everything. I've been noticing it for years but who knows how long it's been going on for. I just work on keeping my block up. Which for me means that I keep my mind blank, and thinking very quietly. I know this is hard. I dont know if it gets any easier. I just know I need to try my best. With time, meditation, and lots of practice; I have been able to get better at staying quiet. I wish you the best. I only wish I knew more people like me. I feel lonely a lot. It's hard.

Jul 08, 2014
Shielding Thoughts
by: Dr. Schavi M. Ali

You could try wearing a pendant of BlACK TOURMALINE. It is the most powerful shield of protection. However, make sure that your thoughts are based in love and forgiveness. Our thoughts are like antennas that go out into the atmosphere to connect with ethereal substance and manifest as experiences. Remember, thoughts are things. We are living in times when our thoughts and feelings become almost instantly manifested. Thus, work on your inner cleansing. Also, meditate daily to connect with your Higher Self-- the Divine.

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