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Lost and Found....Again

by SuperNovaSarah
(Honolulu, HI)

I was on the verge of tears as I searched the internet for answers. Answers for metaphysical meanings behind my right middle toe going numb, kidney stones and abdominal pain. I eat healthy, energize and bless all my food and drinks, meditate and connect with spirit, and take good care of my body. I have been on my spiritual path for 3 years focusing on bettering my physical, mental and emotional health and thought I had gotten through most if the pain, so I was shocked to feel this excruciating kidney pain again.
I think not having felt this kind of pain in a long time caused me to go into a bit of shock and concern. A couple intense rounds of this pain and all the symptoms that came with it, I decided to go to the doctors and have some tests run. They said I 'might' have a UTI and to take a dose of antibiotics and I have to go back for more testing for the stones. My spirit said no to the antibiotics and said it was time to go forth with the colonics I had been thinking about doing and to continue researching liver/ gallbladder cleanses.
I went today to have my first colonics. The process was surprisingly simple and painless. However, the woman that did it for me really put me in a spot of doubt. Don't get me wrong, this woman is knowledgable in what she knows and is very passionate about her practice. I commend her for her passion and willingness to help others and share what she knows. But I feel like she's missing some up-to-date information on plants, veganism and living and raw foods. She told me that she couldn't do much to help me because my body wouldn't heal if I won't eat meats or products from animals to get the right protein my body needs. She told me if I keep eating the way I'm eating, my kidneys wouldn't heal and I would die.
I was a bit confused at this point, but decided to pray for the cleansing to be exactly what my body needs right now. After the colonics my Ego kicked in and my emotions got a little intense. I'm sure the toxins released in my system had a lot to do with it, but I began to wonder if she was right. Does my body need meat to get the protein that it needs? I know better than this, but these feelings took over me and I grew more and more confused. Which brings us to this moment here and now as I write and you read....I came across your site by 'chance' and it was enough to snap me back into my sense of Knowing and understanding that the pain is the death and the more painful it is, the more the light can expand. I trust that I am caring for my body properly and I am forever grateful for this learning experience.
Thank you so much for Being in alignment with my learning curve. Thank you for Being the Messenger. Thank you for your encouraging words, and thank you for Being.

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Aug 08, 2014
Thank you
by: NewLightBody

Thank you SuperNovaSarah, we're grateful to have helped you touch the place of truth within yourself.

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