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often ignore cause of energy sensitivity

by jane

I spent the best part of 35 years trying to heal from low energy health issues, part of my nature since very early years was sensitive, but also fearful and insecure, I would describe myself as an empath.

What most people do not know, i found this out through many many years of suffering, is that one can inherit a low Kidney energy or kidney jing from one's mother..and this can give the person a weak core energy, which makes them over sensitive, fearful, and often their adrenals will be will not cope well with any stresses - your energy will easily stagnate, and you will often have health problems that you cannot heal completely from, depending on your own genetics - constitution.

Once this condition is spotted and treated, then will be able to tune in more accurately to other energies, ie the current ascension symptoms, and know what is causing what.

IF you had low stamina as a child...and many other pointers to this condition that most practitioners do not seem to consider..and its key...

thanks jane

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Jul 19, 2012
low energy
by: Anonymous

If your energy is low your energy field is also weak and you it can be invaded by opportunistic spirits. I know, I went through this after a brain CT scan damaged my thyroid. It is very unheathy.

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