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by Patricia
(Gold Beach, Oregon)

Last year was a wonderful year, positive and spiritually fulfilling. My health had the normal ups and downs. Nothing unusual. Then Dec. brought some changes that were puzzling. I had begun making plans to open a holistic healing center that would incorporate my spiritual work as well. Insomnia set in. Sleep would not come until 5/6 in the AM. It has continued to this day. Along with the sleepless nights I've experienced joint pain, some depression. The worst is the feeling of being "raw" to the actions and communications with others. After normal shopping or interaction with people, I am exhausted emotionally/physically. Watching TV becomes draining I feel so deeply the suffering of others. All I do now is hide in my apartment, trying desperately to fix whatever has gone wrong with me. What can I do? I pray/meditate, still counselor through e-mail. But there is so much more needed, so much more planned. What does God want from me?? I still feel supported and that I was on the right path. I must get well so I can do what I have come into this life to do. Please help me find my way back to my purpose.

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Feb 27, 2010
pinking shear paths
by: Valerie

I can relate. I have been on a Spiritual Path for the last 30 years and trained in a lot of modalities because I loved them, however I got CERTIFIED as a Colon Hydrotherapist, am a Aromatherapist, Massage Therapist, Nutritionalist, but really reasonated w/ Colon Hydrotherapy and all my interest/skills. I was going to convert my home to a healing center, offering nutritional counseling etc., get my drift, very trained and diversified. My health went south, after A LOT, I realized all I have done is for me and My BEINGNESS IS MY PRACTICE, I am who I am, I am rich in the all I have to offer, but it DOES NOT FIT A CLINICAL SETTING, it is in my garden, at my dining room table, on the phone, in a chance meeting in a store and has no format BUT IS PROFOUND to those I touch. I was told by Archangel Gabriel 30 years ago my healing work was in Beingness, just being me, the conversations, the meetings, the hugs, the listening's so under rated and so important, PAUSE and I hope this helps you, VALERIE

Feb 27, 2010
As wierd as this sounds
by: Sydney

I believe what you are going through is an ascension cleansing and that you are to let go of alot of "spiritual stuff" that is of a lower vibration. The symptoms we are going through open us up, feels raw at first but I prefer to call it, becoming REAL. Others are going through what you're going through. I am. Trust the process. There is nothing to cure here.
This is part of your ascension. Pretty soon, things are going to look really different in our world! I surround you with light hearted hugs!

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