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Spiritual awakening?

by Syd

I have been dealing with an odd illness for years. It's morphed but a few things have been consistent. Mainly vertigo all day every day. For awhile I was treated for Lyme but nothing shifted. I don't have real fatigue. Just burning of my skin from head to toe, fog, intense head pressure, waves of extreme breathing issues and anxietu. It's all just very very strange. Any advice appreciated.

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Oct 02, 2013
Sounds familiar...
by: Deb

Hey there, I've experienced extreme inner heat, resulting in skin rashes over hands chest neck and face. Persistent and frightening. This was at its most intense Oct - Dec 2012 and have still been experiencing milder symptoms up until present day. The accompanying emotion is anxiety. I have used a myriad of assistance from kinesiology, Chinese herbs, acupuncture, and even had a lesson to learn in taking cortisone to reduce suffering - yep, I know I'm changing on many levels, and it's ok for me not to be a martyr. Relax in your knowing that these symptoms are of a deeper nature, and our ascension will be worth it. Sending you much love and support :)

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