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Ten Years of Releasing and Ten Years to Celebrate!

by Melanie
(Forest of Dean, Glos, UK)

Just before New Year's Eve of 1999 I was at a sacred site in Sri Lanka where a Buddhist priest conducted a ceremony for my "accelerated spiritual development". Little did I realize at the time how much this would involve a complete emotional and physical clearing out as well.

I was diagnosed with M.E. (chronic fatigue syndrome - CFS) and spent 3 years virtually bedridden accompanied by deep depression. In retrospect,3 years was the time I needed to release my emotional trauma from this life. The next 3/4 years were spent learning to love myself, releasing past life trauma and simplifying my life in every way possible. I had a lot of karma to heal!

Since September of this year (2009) I've been experiencing a return of many physical symptoms in stops and starts plus a few additional ones just to make sure I'm aware of every part of my body. I'd paid my body little attention previously and now, for the first time in my life, I'm learning to look after it. When I read on this site of the recent symptoms I can tick all the boxes.

The plan of attack is......SURRENDER COMPLETELY! Give yourself everything you need to make this part of the journey comfortable. Love yourself, look after yourself, put yourself first if possible.

This site came to me so synchronistically, just when I was looking for confirmation of my understanding of the current physical ailments. Blessings and thank you.

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