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Thank you Blessed Mother of God for healing my loving husband, father, & Son

by Angelina
(Morgan Hill, CA)

My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 renal cell carcinoma September 2012. Medical Doctors gave not much hope. I searched and prayed for guidance. At my hour of need, I needed hope as a wife or any loved one who is the Caregiver so desperately in need at times. I searched the web for prayers for healing and found this site. I prayed the Blessed Virgin Mary prayer to help heal my husband. After the second day of praying she touched him. I believe truly in the blessed Virgin Mary and have her to thank for healing my husband toward recovery. May all who pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary find true hope and continued faith in her miraculous abilities. Thank you blessed mother of God, for giving me back my hope and faith and my loving husband. I love you truly :)

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