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Vibration and Floating

by Jasmin M
(Boston, MA)

Hi everyone, I would also like to share my experiences that have been going on for over 20 years. First thing is that I feel like I can float right out of my body. Energy comes in through my crown chakra and also comes in through my third eye chakra. I hear cracking in my third eye chakra. I feel energy in my throat and jaw. I suffer terribly from TMJ, and I have to sleep with a nightguard for my mouth. I feel energy in my back and tingling all along my spine and legs. At times the energy comes in so hard and fast in my third eye and crown chakra that I can't sleep at night. This hasn't been good as I work a long day and really need my eight hours of sleep. My sex drive is nearly non-existent. I see lights in the corner of my eyes. I can see at times white light coming off of me. I think the worst part of all this is that I vibrate constantly, which has not been pleasant. I don't like this feeling and I have prayed to the universe to make all this go away. I use to meditate a lot but now I hardly ever meditate because when I do, more energy comes in causing me to be tired. I don't know why all this is happening to me as I never asked for any of this. I am very spiritual person though. Twenty years of this is more than enough. I wish I had the answers.

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Jul 31, 2015
by: Anonymous

When i meditate I felt or seen vibrations out from my face and why not incoming and i feel tired after a while and slept or forgot

Jun 01, 2012
similar symptoms
by: Anonymous

Hi, I started to experience similar symptoms for at least 6 months. I felt very tired and needed to sleep very long hours. I felt tingling in the back of my spine and legs, even in the day time (Like a cold energy going through my body). It has varied dramatically and sometimes I would feel very hot on my face and feel heat in my body. Some days I feel very good and loving towards everything and sometimes I have such a strong feeling of anxiety, resistants, fear that feels like my mind starts to spin. Also I have started seeing light with the corner of my eye. I am wondering what is this?

Feb 20, 2012
Let it flow
by: Anonymous

I recommend just flowing with the energies and being grateful for them. Your symptoms are a huge blessing, and you are almost there! Resistance will make it more difficult. Your soul is giving you exactly what you want at the deepest level of your being. Trust that there is a wonderful purpose for it all.

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