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Breaking Loose From
Third Dimensional Reality

December 27, 2010

Dearest Ones, at the present time the presence of embodied physical light on the Earth has strengthened to the point where it has begun to catalyze a dimensional shift on the Earth.

A vortex of the new light is penetrating through the entrenched and solidified structures of the Earth plane, and creating a massive wave of spiritual purification on the Earth.

This dimensional shift is affecting all physical bodies on the Earth, and those who are healers, lightworkers and servants of God are feeling this shift more profoundly. Crises of purification are arising and energies attempting to halt the forward motion of light are also active and influencing situations and consciousness.

At this time beloved ones, fear is present for many because the previous structures of emotional, physical and even spiritual life are changing.

When it appears that there is nothing to anchor to, that is the time when God is most present and available. If you are not able to pray, meditate or connect with the Divine Source within, ask for help and be willing to receive it even from unexpected sources.

Connect with others and help one another to remember that God's love and God's light are the strongest forces on the Earth. When you are able to feel connected within to your Divine Source, pray for others.

Give when you are able, and in giving you will receive and create a beacon of light, love and hope on the Earth. Help one another through this difficult time, so that all may be comforted.

This level shift on the Earth has been long awaited and now is the time for all beloved ones of God to step forward in love, light and peace to anchor a new vibration of hope for the world.

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