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Transforming Tragedy And Despair With Light

January 23, 2010

Dearest friends,

At this time your world is absorbing the significant and extreme tragedy that has resulted from the earthquake in Haiti. To witness the suffering and pain can feel overwhelming and unbearable. How then it is possible to bring healing at such a time?

Dearest ones, the answer lies in the activation of your planetary identity, which is connected with your divine heart. Your divine heart is a gift from your soul and from God, and is connected to your human, embodied heart that exists on the Earth.

The divine Oneness of all, which is the spiritual reality within which All exists, can be felt through the part of you that is already fully present and awake to your God self.

Spiritual sages throughout the ages have frequently reminded us that we are already One, already with God fully, and there is nothing that is needed to "attain" a state of spiritual Oneness.

At the same time, within physical, third dimension reality, the separation between the spiritual, planetary identity, and the human, embodied self is still quite strong for many people, even those who deeply long to be One with God.

At the present time, an activation is taking place within the world of physical matter, that is strengthening the planetary network of light. This light is creating greater access to the experience of one's spiritual and planetary identity, and it also is accelerating the process of purification so whatever residues of separated consciousness may exist can be released into the growing light.

Beloved ones, this is an important time of shifting, and it will enable you to be more capable of bringing love, light and healing to those in need. It will also enable you to free yourself from long standing emotional, physical and karmic issues that have felt like a heavy weight for many lifetimes.

Your divine heart knows how to respond to even the most extreme tragedy and despair with love, light and faith. Even if your physically embodied human heart does not know how to deal with the magnitude of suffering, there is another part of you which is being activated.

What is most useful at this time is to let go of the need to be in control of the situation. Allow your feelings to flow, and allow yourself to trust where you are being led. Like a flood, the emotions will wash though you, and then the light will dawn, illuminating the new.

Another useful support at this time is to join your light with others. This brings strength to all, and will especially help those in most need. At the present time a new support is being created to bring love and light to the most severe and tragic of world situations that are manifesting. Please visit Response of Light to join these gatherings which will continue to support the activation of your own light as well as that of the larger planetary body. With all love and blessings, Amen.

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